Making a start with your new iPad…

AppStart for iPad could very well be first (free) app anyone should download on their iPad to uncover the many functionalities of the iPad. No, it’s not a boring manual – it is a beautiful app (the designers have done a great job!) organised in many sections that allows the reader to understand how their iPad works, and what functionalities they can leverage.

It is organised around sections, for example “browse the web”, “organise your photos”, “the holy grail of email”. I  particularly like the “How to dump your laptop” section with their selection of productivity-enhancing apps, some of which we have trialled during the first pilot. Also noteworthy are their “9.7 inch office”, “the lowdown printing, or how to print with no strings attached”, “apps for students / moms / dads / musicians” and many other useful sections. They basically cover everything with a great selection of the most popular apps that help get the business done.

And it’s so beautifully done that you won’t get bored reading it!

Highly recommended. Go and download it now, it’s free. The very first app that should come pre-installed on all our iPads!

About nforsans
Academic at Leeds University Business School and Learning Technologist, Programme Director for the MSc International Business

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