Getting started with your new iPad (How-to Guide 2)

The second guide in the series is now available. Entitled Getting Started, it includes videos with step-by-step instructions covering:

1. Managing content: why you may want to backup your iPad using iCloud or iTunes. The section also covers the University’s policy on cloud computing (to be reviewed)

2. The basics in getting started with your new iPad: the App store, connection to wifi, email set up and connection

3. Features associated with the device: multitasking, security, connecting your iPad to your mobile phone for wifi access, adding bookmarks to the web browser

4. Useful apps: the guide makes references to Apple’s iPad official user guide which has details of apps that come pre-loaded on the iPad (such as Safari, PhotoBooth, Mail etc.). Outside of these I would particularly recommend Evernote and Dropbox which will be particularly handy given the limited storage space available on the device.  These apps will have their own guide, to be produced shortly.


You can download the guide as an ebook – make sure you have Apple’s iBooks installed on your device.

Setting up your iPad (How-to Guide 1)

Cath has kindly produced a guide to set up your iPad, coveringiPad SetUp

1. Connection to Leeds wifi network

2. the steps you need to go through while switching your device on for the first time

3. the creation of an Apple ID

4. the setting up of iCloud, which enables you to backup the content of your iPad on to Apple’s servers.

5. the setting up of Find my iPad, a useful security device that allows you track the movements of your device should you get it lost or stolen


The guide can be accessed from your iPad in two ways:

– through a pdf document – make sure you have Adobe Reader installed on your device. Alternatively, the file will open in iBooks, Quick Office, Cloud On and Save2PDF if you have any of these apps installed

– through an ebook – make sure you have Apple’s iBooks installed.